<html> <head><title>Heading Tags</title></head> <body bgcolor="ffffff"> <h1 align="center">This is heading tag h1</h1> <h2 align="center">This is heading tag h2</h2> <h3 align="center">This is heading tag h3</h3> <h4 align="center">This is heading tag h4</h4> <h5 align="center">This is heading tag h5</h5> <h6 align="center">This is heading tag h6</h1> </body> </html>
This is heading tag h1
This is heading tag h2
This is heading tag h3
This is heading tag h4
This is heading tag h5
This is heading tag h6
We already discussed some basic HTML tags in the earlier program. In this program we did use of header tags and position.
Header tags in HTML describes different font sizes from higher to lower and starts from <H1>..<H6>
The alignment properties can also be defined like center, left and right. In the above example we taken center for nice look.
These tags are most widely used in each and every website. So for beginners these tags are very essential to know.