Let us see some of the text formatting tags which are frequently used in our regular coding.
- The tag with "p" defines a paragraph. This tag is used for "paragraph text" by using this tag, browsers could automatically add an empty line before and after a paragraph.
- Headings are defined from <h1> to <h6> . These heading tags used to specify the main headings and subheadings of a webpage. Usually google bots consider the H1 tag as main heading and remaining H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 are sub headings in the web page at various levels.
tag is used to highlight the text, by default mark tag takes the yellow color for highlighting.<align>
tag is used to align the text in the specified format, such as, right, left, center, justify.- If we want to make some text as italic then place the text in between the
<i> Your text goes here </i>
. - To create an underlined sentence, use
<u> underlined text goes here </u>
. - To provide quotes use this
<q> Quoted Text </q>
. - To strike out the given text use strike tag
<strike> Striked Text Goes Here </strike>
Example HTML Code:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Text Formatting Tags</title> </head> <body> <H1>Text Formatting Tags</H1> <p> programming9 provides <mark> Programming Tutorials </mark> and collection of codes.</p> <p align="left">left alignment and <i style="border:3px solid #906"><u>programming9</u></i> other normal text goes here.</p> <p align="left"><q>quoted text is valuable </q> and </p> <p>another kind of <strike>unnecessary content or changed content</strike> goes there.</p> </body> </html>