print() function in Python

Printing is easy in python, print() function is used to print objects on the screen or any other standard output device.

It can take zero or more arguments.

We can use

print('programming9') or print("programming9") or print(''' programming9''').

the three methods are valid statements and prints output.


print(object(s), sep=' ', end='\n', file=file, flush=flush)
  • objects= Any values, it will be converted to string before it is printed.
  • sep= Separator is optional and it is used to separate the objects, default is ' '
  • end= end is also optional, end describes what to print at end. By default it is new line (line feed) '\n'
  • file= it also optional, An object with a write method. Default is sys.stdout
  • flush= flush is optional. A Boolean, specifying if the output is flushed (True) or buffered (False). By default it is False.


#print one object
print("") #semicolon not required and prints as it is.

#print multiple objects

#Use any symbol as separator

print("Hello","world",sep=',,,') #output is Hello,,,world

Example of print() with variables

variable is just a named representation of a location in memory to hold a value or an object.

variables doesn't require Datatypes in python.


print("x=", x) 
#output is x= 10 

 Let us see an example for end and sep.

print('p', 'r', 'o', sep=',')
