#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; class Node { public: int info; Node* next; }; class List:public Node { Node *first,*last; public: List() { first=NULL; last=NULL; } void create(); void insert(); void delet(); void display(); void search(); }; void List::create() { Node *temp; temp=new Node; int n; cout<<"\nEnter an Element:"; cin>>n; temp->info=n; temp->next=NULL; if(first==NULL) { first=temp; last=first; } else { last->next=temp; last=temp; } } void List::insert() { Node *prev,*cur; prev=NULL; cur=first; int count=1,pos,ch,n; Node *temp=new Node; cout<<"\nEnter an Element:"; cin>>n; temp->info=n; temp->next=NULL; cout<<"\nINSERT AS\n1:FIRSTNODE\n2:LASTNODE\n3:IN BETWEEN FIRST&LAST NODES"; cout<<"\nEnter Your Choice:"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: temp->next=first; first=temp; break; case 2: last->next=temp; last=temp; break; case 3: cout<<"\nEnter the Position to Insert:"; cin>>pos; while(count!=pos) { prev=cur; cur=cur->next; count++; } if(count==pos) { prev->next=temp; temp->next=cur; } else cout<<"\nNot Able to Insert"; break; } } void List::delet() { Node *prev=NULL,*cur=first; int count=1,pos,ch; cout<<"\nDELETE\n1:FIRSTNODE\n2:LASTNODE\n3:IN BETWEEN FIRST&LAST NODES"; cout<<"\nEnter Your Choice:"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: if(first!=NULL) { cout<<"\nDeleted Element is "<<first->info; first=first->next; } else cout<<"\nNot Able to Delete"; break; case 2: while(cur!=last) { prev=cur; cur=cur->next; } if(cur==last) { cout<<"\nDeleted Element is: "<<cur->info; prev->next=NULL; last=prev; } else cout<<"\nNot Able to Delete"; break; case 3: cout<<"\nEnter the Position of Deletion:"; cin>>pos; while(count!=pos) { prev=cur; cur=cur->next; count++; } if(count==pos) { cout<<"\nDeleted Element is: "<<cur->info; prev->next=cur->next; } else cout<<"\nNot Able to Delete"; break; } } void List::display() { Node *temp=first; if(temp==NULL) { cout<<"\nList is Empty"; } while(temp!=NULL) { cout<<temp->info; cout<<"-->"; temp=temp->next; } cout<<"NULL"; } void List::search() { int value,pos=0; bool flag=false; if(first==NULL) { cout<<"List is Empty"; return; } cout<<"Enter the Value to be Searched:"; cin>>value; Node *temp; temp=first; while(temp!=NULL) { pos++; if(temp->info==value) { flag=true; cout<<"Element"<<value<<"is Found at "<<pos<<" Position"; return; } temp=temp->next; } if(!flag) { cout<<"Element "<<value<<" not Found in the List"; } } int main() { List l; int ch; while(1) { cout<<"\n**** MENU ****"; cout<<"\n1:CREATE\n2:INSERT\n3:DELETE\n4:SEARCH\n5:DISPLAY\n6:EXIT\n"; cout<<"\nEnter Your Choice:"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: l.create(); break; case 2: l.insert(); break; case 3: l.delet(); break; case 4: l.search(); break; case 5: l.display(); break; case 6: return 0; } } return 0; }
**** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:1 Enter an Element:10 **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:2 Enter an Element:20 INSERT AS 1:FIRSTNODE 2:LASTNODE 3:IN BETWEEN FIRST&LAST NODES Enter Your Choice:2 **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:2 Enter an Element:30 INSERT AS 1:FIRSTNODE 2:LASTNODE 3:IN BETWEEN FIRST&LAST NODES Enter Your Choice:1 **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:5 30-->10-->20-->NULL **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:4 Enter the Value to be Searched:20 Element20is Found at 3 Position **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:4 Enter the Value to be Searched:50 Element 50 not Found in the List **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:3 DELETE 1:FIRSTNODE 2:LASTNODE 3:IN BETWEEN FIRST&LAST NODES Enter Your Choice:3 Enter the Position of Deletion:2 Deleted Element is: 10 **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:5 30-->20-->NULL **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:6