The java program is for iterative linear search with static values as input. Linear Search using java code is written for simple understanding.

class LinearSearchExample 
	static Object[] a = { 21, 36, 81, 117, 50, 43, 26, 99 }; 
	static Object key = 81; 
	public static void main(String args[])  
		if( lSearch() ) 
			System.out.println(key + " found in the list"); 
			System.out.println(key + " not found in the list"); 
	static boolean lSearch()  
		for( int i=0; i<a.length; i++) 
			if(key == a[i])  return true; 
		return false; 

Check the other code written in C language. C Program to find an Element using Linear Search 


81 found in the list