import*; import java.util.Scanner; class Quick { int n; int a[]; Scanner in=new Scanner(; Quick() { System.out.println("enter array capacity:"); n=in.nextInt(); a=new int[n]; for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { System.out.println("enter value for the cell["+(i+1)+"]"); a[i]=in.nextInt(); } } void display() { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) System.out.println(a[i]+" "); } void quick(int left,int right) { if(right-left<=0) return; else { int piv=a[right]; int pos=partition(left,right,piv); quick(left,pos-1); quick(pos+1,right); } } int partition(int left,int right,int piv) { int l=left-1; int r=right; while(true) { while(a[++l]<piv); while(r>0&&a[--r]>piv); if(l>=r) break; else swap(l,r); } swap(l,right); return l; } void swap(int l,int r) { int temp; temp=a[l]; a[l]=a[r]; a[r]=temp; } } class QuickSort { public static void main(String args[]) { Quick obj1=new Quick(); System.out.println("values before sorting:"); obj1.display(); obj1.quick(0,obj1.n-1); System.out.println("values after sorting:"); obj1.display(); } }
Compilation:javac Execution: java QuickSort enter array capacity: 7 enter value for the cell[1] 23 enter value for the cell[2] 21 enter value for the cell[3] 12 enter value for the cell[4] 48 enter value for the cell[5] 90 enter value for the cell[6] 34 enter value for the cell[7] 56 values before sorting: 23 21 12 48 90 34 56 values after sorting: 12 21 23 34 48 56 90