/* Binary search program in C using both recursive and non recursive functions */ #include <stdio.h> #define MAX_LEN 10 /* Non-Recursive function*/ void b_search_nonrecursive(int l[],int num,int ele) { int l1,i,j, flag = 0; l1 = 0; i = num-1; while(l1 <= i) { j = (l1+i)/2; if( l[j] == ele) { printf("\nThe element %d is present at position %d in list\n",ele,j); flag =1; break; } else if(l[j] < ele) l1 = j+1; else i = j-1; } if( flag == 0) printf("\nThe element %d is not present in the list\n",ele); } /* Recursive function*/ int b_search_recursive(int l[],int arrayStart,int arrayEnd,int a) { int m,pos; if (arrayStart<=arrayEnd) { m=(arrayStart+arrayEnd)/2; if (l[m]==a) return m; else if (a<l[m]) return b_search_recursive(l,arrayStart,m-1,a); else return b_search_recursive(l,m+1,arrayEnd,a); } return -1; } void read_list(int l[],int n) { int i; printf("\nEnter the elements:\n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%d",&l[i]); } void print_list(int l[],int n) { int i; for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%d\t",l[i]); } /*main function*/ main() { int l[MAX_LEN], num, ele,f,l1,a; int ch,pos; //clrscr(); printf("======================================================"); printf("\n\t\t\tMENU"); printf("\n====================================================="); printf("\n[1] Binary Search using Recursion method"); printf("\n[2] Binary Search using Non-Recursion method"); printf("\n\nEnter your Choice:"); scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch<=2 & ch>0) { printf("\nEnter the number of elements : "); scanf("%d",&num); read_list(l,num); printf("\nElements present in the list are:\n\n"); print_list(l,num); printf("\n\nEnter the element you want to search:\n\n"); scanf("%d",&ele); switch(ch) { case 1:printf("\nRecursive method:\n"); pos=b_search_recursive(l,0,num,ele); if(pos==-1) { printf("Element is not found"); } else { printf("Element is found at %d position",pos); } //getch(); break; case 2:printf("\nNon-Recursive method:\n"); b_search_nonrecursive(l,num,ele); //getch(); break; } } //getch(); }
====================================================== MENU ===================================================== [1] Binary Search using Recursion method [2] Binary Search using Non-Recursion method Enter your Choice:1 Enter the number of elements : 5 Enter the elements: 12 22 32 42 52 Elements present in the list are: 12 22 32 42 52 Enter the element you want to search: 42 Recursive method: Element is found at 3 position