Address locations are usually represented with variable names. All the program must be loaded to memory, called RAM before execution by CPU. 

We can find memory address by using a format specifier %u

Let us see the code to find the address of a specific variable in C.

int main()
    char a;
    int x;
    float p,q;


    printf("%c is stored at address %u\n",a,&a);
    printf("%d is stored at address %u\n",x,&x);
    printf("%f is stored at address %u\n",p,&p);
    printf("%f is stored at address %u\n",q,&q);
    return 0;

In the above program,

Character format specifier is %c

Integer format specifier is %d or %i

float format specifier is %f


a is stored at address 2686751
125 is stored at address 2686744
10.250000 is stored at address 2686740
18.760000 is stored at address 2686736